Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Untied Laces.

when you're little, and you just learned how to tie your shoes, you never tie em tight enough so you end up trippin and fallin all over yourself. but as you grow up, you tie em in a way they won't fall apart and make you hurt yourself. the same thing can be said when you like someone. you leave your laces untied, in hopes that the person you like will be the one to knot em together so you will no longer fall the wrong way and hurt yourself. for those that don't understand the metaphor, it's basically when you open yourself to someone and hope they'll reciprocate feelings so that you won't end up with hurt feelings and disappointment.

me, personally, i have a tendency to leave my laces untied. not purposely. i'd do it unbeknownst to myself. [how clueless. lol] but by doing that, i hurt my own feelings. shit i'm 19. i'm not grown cuz i still got ALOT of living to do. so some shit i do, i'd be unaware of doing. i can admit that. but i refuse to leave my laces untied just to fall and hurt myself. time to double knot em and whoever wants more from me gon have a hell of a job for themselves.


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