Saturday, May 22, 2010

And The Difference Is. . .

there is a fiiiiine line between sexual harrassment and sexual attention. somebody in the mail room makes a comment about your blouse while looking at the shirt and you're disgusted. some nobody with prada shoes says "damn you got a nice set of twins!" and you giggle. a man's status will set the bar on how you take a comment about your appearance. if you have a physical attraction to someone, you'll want that sexual attention and go to great lengths to get it. however if someone of a lower caliber makes a pass, it`s sexual harrassment. understandable that each situation is different, but most are quite similar. you're getting that sexual attention you wanted, but not who you wanted it from. ladies; if you dress provocatively, you're gonna get some unwanted attention. point blank. and no, i'm not making the age old excuse for rape where a woman is "asking for it" by wearing minimal clothes. all y'all gotta keep in mind is that if you wearin a shorts and a low cut belly shirt, do you really want the attention you get from the people that will give it? in reality, they have ONE thing on your mind. whoever said you hadda show skin to be sexy? so chill wit these sexual harrassment lawsuits. know what you're getting into when you're getting dressed.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Grey Area.

contrary to popular belief, i am NOT of African descent. so no, i'm not black. i'm actually 100% asian. to be specific, i'm Cambodian, Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian. my fiancè however IS of African descent. therefore, we are an interracial couple. while most people are cool with it, alotta people seem to have a problem with it as well. saying that it's cool that we happy but why would we date outside of our races? and there's soooo many black girls that really truly hate me cuz i "stole" a good black man. i didn`t "steal" anything that didn't belong to anyone else. i have his heart that he willingly gave me. what does it matter that we`re not the same ethnicity? we make each other happy and do any & EVERYthing for each other. what concern is it of yours if we aren't both black or both asian? love knows no boundaries, love has no pride and love is color blind. love is not accidental; it's predestined. and we were predestined for one another. so for all the ones against any interracial couples; you can suck on it. and you can quote me on that.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy Anniversary.

to my baby;
it's exactly one year today since the day we met. i will never forget that day ever. with your silly comments and your ridiculous jokes. never have i met a man that wasn't intimidated by my past, nor have i ever met a man that was able to see me for who i really was, instead of just a pretty face with a nice little body. we've been through so much in the course of a year, all the lies and secrets you held. and it would have been easier to just walk away. but i couldn't. throughout everything, i chose to stay by your side. i love you so much, i can't begin to express it in words. but that love has gotten so much stronger since we both found God together. and as long as He wants us together, we will be. if He wanted me to leave you, He would have let me walk away a loooong time ago. beyond why i want you, need you, He also needs me to be here for you. and i could never stray away. nobody can do for me like you can. i'm so in love with your smile, your work ethic, your faith in God, your temper, and your passion for life. but what i love most is your flaws. they make you incomparable to everyone else. we're so much stronger now than ever and our relationship is made to last. i fall in love with you more and more everyday. it's so much i wanna say but words always seem to fail me. so let me do everything i've been doing and be as good a wife i can be. let me cook for you, clean for you, support you in every aspect of your life and keep you on the right path. because, God willing, i will never leave your side. i won't run ahead of you so you can eventually walk all over me, i won't follow behind you so i'm left in your dust. but i'll be standing tall at your side, holding your hand, and supporting the person i love more than anything or anyone. my bestfriend, my tag team partner, my everything and more. happy anniversary baby. i love you.
