Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Grey Area.

contrary to popular belief, i am NOT of African descent. so no, i'm not black. i'm actually 100% asian. to be specific, i'm Cambodian, Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian. my fiancè however IS of African descent. therefore, we are an interracial couple. while most people are cool with it, alotta people seem to have a problem with it as well. saying that it's cool that we happy but why would we date outside of our races? and there's soooo many black girls that really truly hate me cuz i "stole" a good black man. i didn`t "steal" anything that didn't belong to anyone else. i have his heart that he willingly gave me. what does it matter that we`re not the same ethnicity? we make each other happy and do any & EVERYthing for each other. what concern is it of yours if we aren't both black or both asian? love knows no boundaries, love has no pride and love is color blind. love is not accidental; it's predestined. and we were predestined for one another. so for all the ones against any interracial couples; you can suck on it. and you can quote me on that.


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