Monday, April 19, 2010


well goodmorning cyberworld. i know this is kinda early for me but it's been awhile since i wrote a blog and i'm already up anyways so why not write something for the public. lol.

so, anyways......i'm up early because i'm on the way to sacramento, ca to protest and rally against the justice system. i know right? those that don't know me too well probably like "tiffany? really?". lol. yes really. and i've been protesting against injustices and the like for quite some years now. but thas another story for another time. as i was getting on the freeway, there were still large puddles underneath the freeway going the opposite way from the recent rainfall. what caught my attention, however, was not the puddles itself but the man bathing in it. =( it really made me sit back and think that i am so fortunate. i took a LONG, hot shower this morning. this man is splashing around in a muddy puddle at attempts to be clean. it definitely made me appreciate what i have but it also made me look at certain people in a new light.

you know how there's just certain people that complain about EVERYTHING? yea well although my circle is mostly made up of extremely humble people, there's a few who will find any reason to be negative and complain about their situation when it's ultimately better than anyone else's in the room. i've heard people complain about the new clothes they or someone else just bought, about the size of their beds, about their phones, i've damn near heard it all. understand that there are people who don't have clothes to wear, who don't have a bed to lay in, who don't have a phone to complain about. personally, i feel like some people just take everything for granted. how could you sit there and cry about your boyfriend/girfriend not talking to you all day when there's people who have lost their spouses and, in some cases, entire families? stop thinking you have it the worst, cuz most likely you don't.

yes, it's understandable to be unhappy about certain things because you should always want more, want better things for yourself. but don't complain about the things you have been blessed to have. there is always someone who has less. can't get out of the shallow end and see other's people misfortune? well remember that YOU can always have less.

as for myself, i don't have everything i'd like to have but i have food in my tummy, a dry place to lay my head down when i'm tired, a closet full of options for everyday, TWO phones, my little baby ipod, and access to a car if i absolutely need it. to some people it may not be much, but to me? i'm living a life of luxury. =)


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