Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Questions about MY first love.

man. so remember the blog i wrote about my first love moving on? alot of people have been asking me if we've spoken recently. yes we have, but the conversation was short. there's not alot to say to each other anymore. but there's a few questions people keep asking me so i'll answer em all here. the first ["have you spoke to him?"] question i already answered. here's the other FAQs.

-"do you still love him?"
of course i do. when it's a first love, that shit never goes away easily. we aren't supposed to be together and that's something i'm living with.

-"if you love him still, why won't you tell him?"
i have. he knows. he's in love with someone else so how i feel about him isn't as important as how she feels about him. which is the way it should be. i truly hope she makes him happy cuz he deserves the best, someone that'll always be there for him. when he needs her most and when he thinks he doesn't need her at all.

-"why are you acting so strong about it when it must kill you to see him happy with someone else?"
i'm not acting. i am strong. our love didn't sustain. just a lesson of life that i learned from. and no it doesn't kill me to see him happy with someone else. he's happy. thas all that matters to me. he's happy, i'm happy. even if it's not with me.

-"do you think y'all could ever work back out?"
i don't think along those lines. it's something i consider in my past and thas where i DON'T live. i live for now, for today, for tomorrow. it's always possible to be back with someone from your past but it's not something to dwell on. so i don't.

now! i feel i answered every question asked. and please stop updating me on his actions and the latest person he's talking to. if he really wanted me to know, he'd tell me himself. or i'd ask. he doesn't and i don't so that means we have 2 lives that don't cross paths anymore. so stop tryna force them to cross.


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